There are quite a lot control systems that can be probably found in various industry sectors. For instance, quality control is implemented in automatic assembly lines, space technology, machine-tool control, robotics, power systems, nanotechnology, MEMS, transportation systems etc.
Other than this, inventory control, socio-economic systems can be targeted through the automatic control theory.
In this regard, it is essential to note that the control systems have a vital role in the modern society. A glance on what is around: The space shuttle lifting the orbit of the earth, the rocket fire, automatic machining the metallic part of a machine, auto ignition to a vehicle gliding in the air parallel to the floor and reaching the destination. These are a few examples of exclusive automatic control systems that are being created by us. However, these control systems are not just human created but also exists in nature. In our own body, the system of the pancreas is regulating the blood sugar, eyes follow the object that moves and keep it in view, and our hands can hold an object and keep it in a desired place. Also, a model can depict the control over student's performance. This can be seen through the inputs such as the study time that a student has and the output shall be the grade he/she obtains. The input that needs to be entered into the model is the study times that student's have and with this output received is the grades. This will vary the grades to rise if the study time increases. This way the said model is useful to determine the worth of increased study in comparison to the previous results when the input was different.
The basic element of an organized control system can be depicted by:
1. Purpose of control.
2. Components of control-system.
3. Output / Result.
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